
:: Nowa pyta Dido

 11.1.2013 | alex
Na stronie pojawia si informacja o nowej pycie Dido. Wspomnieli te o Roswell.

Przy pycie pomaga jej Rollo Armstrong (Faithless). Jej pierwszy singiel jest pierwszym utworem z pyty No Freedom.

Premiera pyty 4 marca 2013

Caa lista:
1. No Freedom
2. Girl Who Got Away
3. Let Us Move On (featuring Kendrick Lamar)
4. Blackbird
5. End of Night
6. Sitting on the Roof of the World
7. Love to Blame
8. Go Dreaming
9. Happy New Year
10. Loveless Hearts
11. Day Before We Went to War

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Daeo,lnYiur comment makes sense, but the fact that it makes your head hurt points to the general complexity of the idea. I am thinking in terms of end users, not really the readers of this blog who are likely very technical.I like the delegation, but there would likely need to be some sort of automation or something to make it easy for normal people.

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